Rand Paul for President

Today is the day for the Iowa caucuses in the primary elections in the U.S. As you might have guessed, I don’t like Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton (and who the bleep is this O’Malley guy?).

As for the Republican candidates, Rand Paul is clearly the best choice for libertarians. He is more “moderate”, for both better and worse, than his father Ron, in some issues, but still the most freedom oriented candidate.

Donald Trump isn’t a good option as his only messages are 1)anti-immigration 2)protectionism 3)something along the order of “I’m great and will therefore make America great again”.

Ted Cruz is pretty good, but less consistent than Rand Paul. And furthermore having been born in Canada (and had a Cuban father) it is not clear that he is really eligible to become President.

And seriously, the last thing we need is a third President Bush. I’m not saying the failings of his father and older brother should necessarily rule him out, but there’s no signs that he is any better than them.

So, though I am somewhat pessimistic about his chances, I hope Rand Paul wins, and urge all American readers to vote for him.

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